Live in Nagano, JAPAN
Musashino Art University Department of Painting Correspondence Course
2023 Special Jury Award at TAGBORT ART FAIR Independent TOKYO
2019 Special Jury Award at TAGBORT ART FAIR Independent TOKYO
2010 Excellence award, Graduate exhibition of Musashino Art University, Japan
Art Fair
2024 Affordable Art Fair Melbourne, Royal Exhibition Building Melbourne
Solo exhibition
2022 " The Sound of the Forest" KURUM'ART contemporary, Tokyo
2019 "It rains when you pick flowers" shed, Tokyo
Group show
2024 Narrative Abstract Art Exhibition, Tokyo
space2*3 Handling artist exhibition, Tokyo
2023 space2*3 Handling artist exhibition, Tokyo
Ray Art Gallery 3 Person Exhibition, Ray Art Galley, Tokyo
2022 space2*3 Handling artist exhibition, Tokyo
Ray Art Gallery 3 Person Exhibition, Ray Art Galley, Tokyo
2021 space2*3 Handling artist exhibition, Tokyo
Ray Art Gallery 3 Person Exhibition, Ray Art Galley, Tokyo
2020 Group exhibition of Asian and Japanese artists Art complex center, Tokyo
2010 Selected Works from Musashino Art University Degree Show, Tokyo
2009 New Year Selection Gallery Art Point GINZA, Tokyo
2009 ”Antipasto” Gallery Minazuki, Saitama
堀田 知
共立女子短期大学 英米文学科卒業
武蔵野美術大学 造形学部通信教育課程 油絵学科絵画コース卒業
2023年 TAGBORT Independent TOKYO 審査委員特別賞(北島煇一氏)
2019年 TAGBORT Independent TOKYO 審査委員特別賞(車洋二氏)
2010年 武蔵野美術大学卒業制作 優秀賞
2024 Affordable Art Fair Melbourne ロイヤルエキシビジョンホール メルボルン
2022年 志立知展 「The Sound of the Forest」 KURUM`ART Contemporary 東京
2019年 志立知展 「花を摘むと雨が降る」 shed 二子玉川 東京
2024年 語る抽象画展 Art Complex Center of Tokyo 東京
2024年 KURUM’ART Contemporary 取扱作家小品展 space2 3 東京
2023年 KURUM’ART Contemporary 取扱作家小品展 space2 3 東京
2023年 Ray Art Gallery 3人展 東京
2022年 KURUM’ART Contemporary 取扱作家小品展 space2 3 東京
2022年 Ray Art Gallery 3人展 東京
2021年 KURUM’ART Contemporary 取扱作家小品展 space2 3 東京
2021年 Ray Art Gallery 3人展 東京
2020年 アジア圏留学生日本人作家交流展 The Artcomplex Center Tokyo 東京
2010年 武蔵野美術大学優秀作品展 武蔵野美術大学 東京
2009年 New Year Selection Gallery Art Point GINZA, Tokyo
2009年 アンティパスト展 ギャラリー水無月 埼玉
堀田 知
*環世界 : ドイツの生物学者、ユクスキュルの提唱した概念。すべての動物は特有の知覚世界を生きる主体であるという考え。
I live in the foothills of a large mountain called Mt. Asama in Karuizawa Town, Nagano Prefecture, Japan.
The site next to my house is a land that is becoming a primeval forest in the middle, and in the summer, large ferns appear and are overwhelmed by the presence.
What I feel in such a place is what the world of "umwelt" should be.
In a seemingly quiet world, there are innumerable subjects, each of whom has a unique sense of space and time, and quietly expands the world.
I think that the tactile sensation that I have often felt that I am not good at words is caused by contact with a world that is different from the one I take for granted.
Although there are innumerable umwelts, their boundaries are very vague and accept each other.
When I suddenly encounter a foreign world, something inside me reacts to it and creates a mysterious sensation.
I want to listen to that feeling and draw a picture.
We can systemize and understand our own experiences by replacing senses and feelings with words.
Much of the emotions I experienced in my life were swallowed because I couldn't express it properly in words.
Also, because it cannot be expressed in words, a pure and high humidity sensation is swallowed and sinks into an unconscious area. I'm exploring that feeling in deep silence and painting it.
When I'm drawing , I don't decide on the complete drawing of the painting. I just indicate my impulse on the canvas.
I get the next sensation from the displayed screen and overlay the color and line then I connect what is in the unconscious area.
Tomo Horita